This year our theme is "Beautiful Story". Our prayer is that we continue to live on mission with God in reaching and impacting others. Therefore, we want to take this upcoming year to focus on not only the greatest story, but the most beautiful story ever told. What is beautiful about the Gospel? Why is beauty important in sharing the good news? What are we called to do with this beautiful story?
Specifically we want to be encouraged and challenged in 2 areas. First, we pray that we will tangibly encounter the beauty of the Gospel ourselves. We want to fully believe in the power of the Gospel. Second, we want to become people who share this beautiful story with others. We want to challenge and encourage each of our church members to share this beautiful story with one person in his or her life this year.
As we journey together, our hope is that we would be those who bring good news of Jesus' victory to others.
“And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” ”