2024 All-In Training
2024 All-In Training
ALL IN Leaders Month is a time for all of our leaders a time to refreshed, connected, and equipped for the upcoming year. We have a FULL day on Saturday, February 3rd for everyone to gather and connect. Then we have special breakout sessions on Wednesdays focused on different areas of spiritual maturity, relational health, and leadership.
This year’s Breakout Sessions will be happening every Wednesday of the month on February 7, 14, and 21. We want every leader to attend TWO out of the three Wednesdays. We give you the flexibility to choose the two Wednesdays that best fits your schedule. You are more than welcome to take all three sessions if you'd like.
Saturday / February 03, 2023
Title: The Art of Sparking Great Spiritual Conversations
Led by Pastor Abraham Cho
Description: People, especially the younger generation, are leaving the church at unprecedented rates. Some are calling it "The Great Dechurching." This is occuring during a time when our neighbors are both more interested in the spiritual than before and also more isolated and disconnected than ever. This practical hands-on workshop will introduce you to the art of sparking the kinds of spiritual conversations that your "spiritual but not religious" friends, family, and neighbors are looking for.
Bio: Abe Cho is the Senior Director of Global Resources at Redeemer City to City and the Director of Strategy and Thought Leadership at City to City North America. Previously, he was a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC for 14 years. The last six of those years he served as the Senior Pastor of Redeemer East Side on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. He lives with his wife and four children in Hell's Kitchen, NYC and serves on the pastoral staff at Redeemer East Harlem.
February 07, 2023
Title: The Hidden Battle
Led by Pastor Lisa Yu
Description: All leaders face a hidden battle within themselves that struggles with feeling like they are enough. Jealousy and envy are the secret thorns that keep leaders from growing. We will look at several biblical examples of how jealousy and envy hindered men and women of God and some ways to fight the battle within.
Title: The Seven Primal Questions: Take Control of the Hidden Forces That Drive You
Led by Pastor Josh Kim
Description: Do you ever wonder why you are the way you are? Do you ever feel like you don't quite understand your emotions and behaviors? Do you want to change your life, but don't want a super complicated method for doing so? Do you see a future where you're healed from your past and ready to grow - you just aren't sure how to get there? The Primal Question framework explains why you do what you do. It reveals both the origin of your triggers and your supernatural gifts. You’ll learn how to manage stress, anxiety, and life's challenges. You will discover how to use your primal question to accelerate performance, build emotional fitness, and clarify your unique purpose.
February 14, 2023
Title: Leading with Your Gifts
Led by Reverend Joseph Yu
Description: Most leadership roles in the church are based on needs - we find a hole that needs to be plugged in ministry, and we fill it. This talk will present a new vision for service and leadership in the church that focuses on utilizing our natural gifts and talents for the building up of the church. We will examine a biblical rationale for this approach, along with some practical applications.
Bio: Joe was born in Connecticut, but grew up in Seoul, Korea before moving back to the States as a teenager. Joe graduated from University of Connecticut (go Huskies!) with a bachelor’s degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.) for his theological studies in 2007 as he began serving in vocational ministry. Joe first served as a youth pastor at First Korean Presbyterian Church (CT). In 2010, he and his wife, Helen, moved to New York City to minister to college students with Reformed University Fellowship. He then transitioned to serve as a Youth Ministry Director and as an Assistant Pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC. Most recently, Joe served as an Associate Pastor at Grace Church in Ridgewood, NJ before starting in his role as Senior Pastor at Joy in September, 2022
Title: Power of Love, Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 13
Led by Pastor Won Jae Hudson Yu
Description: What is Biblical love? And how is love connected to servant leadership? We will explore 1 Corinthians 13 to gain a deeper understanding of Biblical Love.
February 21, 2023
Title: The world was not worthy of them.
Led by Reverend Brandon Cobb
Description: What happens when things aren't going as planned? What do we make of all the different outcomes leadership hands us? Let's discuss an often avoided passage in Hebrews 11 and its response to these questions.
Title: The Seat of Worship
Led by Pastor Bobae Lee
Description: A talk about worship, some observations and encouragements for the leaders from another leader.
Rev. Brandon Cobb (also known as "PB") is the husband of Malia Cobb—Father of their three children and a soon-to-be fourth. Brandon is the Founding Pastor of Eden Jersey -- a new church launching on October 6, 2024. He is an Instructor at the City Ministry Program of Redeemer City to City. An alumnus of Reformed Theological Seminary NYC, Brandon is a Writing Fellow with The Washington Institute and a sad lifelong Brooklyn Nets fan.
Pastor Bobae’s desire is to lead people to experience the love and power of Jesus in their everyday lives. Currently she is serving as the Children’s Pastor at Serving God Fellowship Church in Maywood, NJ. On any given day, you’ll find her with an iced black coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.