As we went over in the classes, one of the responsibilities of becoming a member at church is GIVING!  At New Mercy, we believe "Generosity is our Privilege".

So we want to encourage everyone to sit down with yourself, spouse, and families. And after taking a look at your finances, we'd love it if you, as a household, can set a certain percentage and commit to it moving forward.

Traditionally, the tithe is 10% of our income. But we want you to start with whatever you can and whatever fits in this season of your life. It might be 5%, 7%, or even more than 10% haha. But whatever God puts on your heart, and whatever you decide as a family, we'd love to see you start the spiritual discipline of giving and grow from there. 


  • Here is our church's giving link through PUSHPAY:

  • Once you commit to a certain percentage as a household, please click "Set up Recurring" and choose whatever rhythm works for you depending on your paycheck schedule (e.g. weekly, biweekly, etc)

  • Then you'll be asked to put in your phone number and verify it. 

  • Then you can add your bank account info. We actually prefer if you can connect your checking account with PUSHPAY rather than credit card or else the church will be charged extra fees.

Congratulations on becoming members! So glad you guys are part of our community.